For the last two weeks I have been waiting on pins and needles to hear if I am going to land a 4,000 sf studio in Dallas - rent free I might add! No word yet but that hasn't kept me from creating a t-shirt for the place!

After looking at various online possibilities for making a shirt online, in the end I went ahead and hand painted a shirt. I started with two white elements - one on the upper chest, one on the adjoining sleeve - then added the numerical address in red.

I couldn't envision the street name on the front of the shirt and had ruled it out for the back (too much additional work) so I figured I was altogether finished with this project. Then out of the blue, two days later, the idea of putting the name of the street on the white accents already on the shirt dropped into my head!

Though I could have fit the street name on the one larger white space, I decided to break the name of the street up to add an unexpected twist to the finished project. Throughout the creative process here, I launched out, stayed open to new thoughts and inspirations, and ended up creating exactly what I wanted! O the joy!

Knowing that I may not get this studio at all, you might wonder why I would put time and effort into a project like this. The answer is that making art does not need a goal! Even if this t-shirt is never worn, it is a triumph for me as a creative project!

Update: Though I haven't gotten the free space - yet - after a year on the market, the space still hasn't been leased. Not giving up!
