As an artist the most important thing I've learned this year is that it is not making art that drives me year after year, it is my passion for discovery and adventure!
While some people need to travel, get another degree, write another book, make more money, climb a bigger mountain, etc., I now see that the thrill I seek as an artist, which in my case is wedded to abstract expression, is first and foremost zeal for expanding boundaries, coming to new insights - what I am calling discovery adventures!
I learned this new personal axiom through all the little projects I undertook this year - all the McDonald's coffee cup art, the ping pong ball and later the Christmas tree ornament graphics, paperfolding and wooden block explorations…!
Through these creative experiments I ended up bumping into new and unexpected levels of fearless boldness which eventually led me to understand that it is not coffee cups or blocks which excite me but rather the wholly delightful adventure of exploring, discovering, entirely new forms of creative expression!
The idea that something as small as a ping pong ball could open up a whole new level of confidence and creativity, leading to the revelation that it is indeed the adventure of discovery and adventure - in other words, the search for truth - which propels me as an artist is truly amazing don’t you think?